October 10 - Beat Goes On - Chef Attended Stations - Lunch and Show

$39.95 $59.95

Per Ticket

October 10 – Beat Goes On – Chef Attended Stations – Lunch and Show

Lunch: 12:30pm | Show: 2:00pm

Browse our gift shop before and after performance.

About The Show

Songs with a beat… that are easy to dance to!  

Rhythm is at the heart of swing, R & B, and popular music. This upbeat show will have you tapping your toe to hits by Glen Miller Band, Chuck Berry, The Andrews Sisters, Elvis, Ray Charles, Carl Perkins, The Monkees, Jerry Lee Lewis, Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, The Jackson Five, Johnny Cash & more

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl="https://rosewoodwi.com/music/THE-BEAT-GOES-ON-SAMPLER.mp3"]

**Meal options are taken down 7 days prior to date of show. 




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